Monday, July 21, 2008

Oh, if only!

The kids had fun playing in the little wooden jail and even Brad had some ol' day memories flash back.
Seeing and feeding the goats and their new babies was the favorite for the kids and we were glad we went. Thanks for the tickets Abs.


Kristina Curtis said...

hello there!! welcome to the blogging world!!! i love the pictures--its been SO long since we have hung out! your boys are getting SO big!

Heather said...

Look at you with all your posts! It looks great, your family is so cute. I hope we work together again soon!

Eric and Shelene said...

I have to admit, Brad does look good behind those bars! Welcome to the blogging world!

the Powell's said...

Hey Brit! for being new to blogging, you blog is pretty cang cute! Don't know if you've seen all of ours, but here they are..

Keli said...

Hey, looks like lots of fun! Next time you should call me and we can join you. I can't believe your boys are getting so big. We really should see each other more.