Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wow time flies!

Wow, it has been a while so lets go back. So we celebrated Brad birthday and had a fun little day with him. Me and the boys drove up to the Univeristy of Utah and suprised Brad for dinner at his favorite little dive. (Seriously) Its called The Pie and is a pizza joint that is the closest thing to the Jersey Pies he used to get on his mission. We had a blast and the pizza was good, (still doesn't beat angelos in Cali) but pretty good. The next day we had a little family get together and enjoyed food, folks and fun. Brad got a new Chargers coat that he loves. This pic makes me laugh. You can take the boy out of the thugs but ya can't take the thug out of the boy. Brad we love you and are so proud of you.
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1 comment:

Abbie said...

Happy B-day Jiggy ;) woot-woot